Glossary of karst hydrogeology

PALOC H., ZOTL J. G., EMPLAINCOURT J., LAMOREAUX P. E., LEGRAND H. E., STRINGFIELD V. T., WARREN W., ERASO ROMERO A., BONI C.F., KOVALEVSKY V. S. (KOVALEVSKIY V. S.), MIJATOVIC B. (1975) – Glossaire d’hydrogeologie du karst; choix de 49 termes specifiques en Allemand, Anglais, Espagnol, Francais, Italien, Russe et Yougoslave. Glossary of karst hydrogeology; a selection of 49 specific terms in German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian and Yugoslavian. International Union of Geological Sciences. Series B, n°.3, Hydrogeology of karstic terrains, 151-186.  

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